(updated 2/4/2025)
II Manuals
huge original
famous classic blue Synclavier II manual $100
super rare alternate version of huge original
famous classic blue Synclavier II manual in later style silver binder in fabric-covered library box $125
inquire about
others, Synhouse has the world's largest inventory of NED manuals

huge original silver
Real-Time Performance Options
manual $125 (last one, others in stock are alternate special versions)
huge original silver
Terminal Support Options
manual $50
huge original silver
Sample-to-Disk manual $75
huge photocopied
Sample-to-Disk manual, the absolute latest revisions of all
sections $40
Synclavier 3200,
6400, 9600, Tapeless Studio 1989-1992 style box sets of manuals
and library boxes in stock, inquire about custom
(full sets are long sold out, down to the last 6 individual volumes
10/2012, 5 more added 11/2013, 11 in stock, $10-40/each)
Digital Guitar manual (rare, last one in stock, original manual,
inserts in other blue or silver binders above)